The meaning and philosophy behind Wise Mountain

Sometimes, a name just accidentally and serendipitously encompasses all the principles and values that drive the core of how we practice healthcare. The name Wise Mountain Medicine does just that.

“You are not in the mountains.

The mountains are in you.”

– John Muir

Nestled in the snowy peaks of one of Colorado’s well known ski areas, there’s a famous system of jeep trails that meander through the alpine meadows and evergreens until they reach an old mining cabin from the 1870’s. This well known landmark is called Wise Mountain Cabin.

Dr. Andy Kelch, co-owner of Wise Mountain Medicine, had spent his formative years nurtured by the slopes of Breckenridge, Colorado, and had always intended to return once he finished his doctorate in acupuncture and Chinese medicine. He wanted his business name to come the place he practiced.


But then Andy met Kat, and together, they fell in love with Bend. After less than two years as independent contractors at Lumos Medical Center, they were offered the opportunity to purchase the practice and transition it into their own health care center.

When Andy first shared the name Wise Mountain Medicine with Kat, her eyes lit up. You see, there’s a significant association between mountains and wisdom traditions, especially in China. There you’ll find several sacred Buddhist and Taoist mountains, each of which are home to ancient temples and monasteries.

Mountains invoke qualities of inspiration, stillness, clarity, purity, longevity, expanding awareness, and the process of ascending a spiritual path.

Undoubtedly, you, the reader, have climbed some mountains of your own (physically and metaphorically) and are no stranger to the feeling of elation and achievement when you reach the top.

The ‘wisdom’ in the name Wise Mountain Medicine does not refer to the knowledge that Kat and Andy have accrued in medical school, but to the inherent wisdom that we as human beings tap into when we go to the mountains.

The wisdom our bodies have, and their innate ability to heal themselves - that is what guides our practice as medical providers, through acupuncture, Chinese medicine, gentle bodywork, qi-gong, and meditation.

Kat M. Lui, LAc

Kat M. Lui is a licensed acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist who incorporates meditation and somatic bodywork in her practice. She focuses on listening, and providing the tools patients need to manage stress, find clarity, and reconnect to emotional and physical wellbeing. Patient care may include Japanese Meridian Therapy using non-insertive needling, Worsley 5 Element acupuncture, moxa, tuina, shiatsu, sotai, and traditional acupuncture modalities. Chinese herbal formulas, qi gong exercises and clinical nutrition programs are prescribed as needed.

To learn more about her, visit her website

Dr. Andy Kelch


Winter Special