New Service: Facial Acupuncture with Dana Schwartz, LAc

Beauty is not just skin deep

Reduce fine lines and wrinkles with facial acupuncture in Bend Oregon by acupuncturist Dana Schwartz LAc

Facial Acupuncture is rejuvenating. It can improve muscle tone, tighten facial muscles, and increase collagen production. Without having a surgical procedure, superficial wrinkles are lightened and repaired, and deeper wrinkles can be significantly reduced.

A Facial acupuncture treatment uses hair-thin needles gently inserted into specific points on the face and body to boost collagen, lift and tighten facial muscles and reduce wrinkles. A series of 10-15 sessions are recommended for best results. Please schedule a New Patient Facial Acupuncture Consult to assess your individual treatment plan.

Dana Schwarts, LAc, is now offering facial acupuncture consults in Bend Oregon. Since your skin is unique, a new patient facial acupuncture consult is required to ensure this treatment will help you achieve your goals.

Read the full article about facial acupuncture here.

New Patient Facial Acupuncture Consult: 30 minutes - $50

First Facial Appointment: 90 minutes - $200 (New patients)

Facial Acupuncture Follow up 60 minutes - $160

Dana Schwartz is the only facial acupuncturist in Bend Oregon who is also an expert in essential oils and massage therapy.

To learn more about facial acupuncture and her other offerings, book a free 15 minute discovery call with Dana Schwartz. Call us at 541-238-7285!

Kat M. Lui, LAc

Kat M. Lui is a licensed acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist who incorporates meditation and somatic bodywork in her practice. She focuses on listening, and providing the tools patients need to manage stress, find clarity, and reconnect to emotional and physical wellbeing. Patient care may include Japanese Meridian Therapy using non-insertive needling, Worsley 5 Element acupuncture, moxa, tuina, shiatsu, sotai, and traditional acupuncture modalities. Chinese herbal formulas, qi gong exercises and clinical nutrition programs are prescribed as needed.

To learn more about her, visit her website

Facial acupuncture: the stories we hold on our faces


Dana Schwartz